Conferences, School Libraries, Student stuff

The Big (and not so) Easy: Missing Voices on the Student Transition to College

Ok, I get why there were no school librarians or academic librarians on this panel - apparently our voices have been heard.  But still, having representatives from those groups on this panel would have really added to the discussion.  According to a few people, school librarian membership in LIRT is negligible, so I encourage all… Continue reading The Big (and not so) Easy: Missing Voices on the Student Transition to College

Musings, Student stuff, Techno Geekiness

Native? Immigrant? Inhabitant? Visitor? Who cares?

In April I heard John Palfrey, author of Born Digital, speak.  Thanks to his book, we now use the terms "digital native" and "digital immigrant" - terms that have annoyed me since they first emerged. Why?  Because I don't believe that they're good descriptions of a generation.  What I mean is, I - a member… Continue reading Native? Immigrant? Inhabitant? Visitor? Who cares?