Life Related, Privacy

Why I can’t completely quit Facebook

As the school year slowly starts (New Faculty Orientation yesterday and today, start-of-year training and meetings next week, then students arrive... classes won't actually start until Sept 11th, though, due to Rosh Hashanah) the time available for reading, watching tv, napping and doing other stuff gets less and less. Earlier this year, thanks to the… Continue reading Why I can’t completely quit Facebook

Books, Collection Development, Links, Privacy, School Libraries, Student stuff, Techno Geekiness, Work Stuff

Minor Musings

A holiday gift of sorts from me to you: linky goodness from the past few months.  Enjoy! Books, Reading, etc. I so want to try this at work!  BPL now has personalized RA via email. Ever wonder what is required reading in another country? Wonder no more. They've got him, babe: The Sonny Bono Memorial… Continue reading Minor Musings

Books, Collection Development, Links, Privacy, School Libraries, Student stuff, Techno Geekiness, Work Stuff

Minor Musings

In December I bought myself a new laptop, and this summer I finally cleared out my old files and programs. Yes, I procrastinate. A lot. Anyway, prior to using Feedbin, I used RSS Owl (which is great, but lives on a machine not in the cloud). Some of these links have been stored there for,… Continue reading Minor Musings

Books, Collection Development, Links, Privacy, School Libraries, Student stuff, Techno Geekiness, Work Stuff

Minor Musings

Summer is a great time to binge watch while digitally organizing/reorganizing/decluttering, isn't it? So here's what I've bookmarked and saved over the past few months. Books, Reading, etc. B&N's Teen Readers blog has a great list of their favorite summer reads and NYPL has a list of great YA reads (runs to make sure we… Continue reading Minor Musings