Books, Life Related, Links, School Libraries, Student stuff, Techno Geekiness, Work Stuff

Minor Musings

Books, Reading, etc. Something to watch out for: books written by AI (they literally can kill you!) Where did slang expressions come from? Green's Dictionary of Slang has some answers. A good argument against most books (spoiler: they could be shorter... or even pamphlets) I should do this with my ~2,000 books. The BBC has… Continue reading Minor Musings

Books, Collection Development, Links, Pedagogy, School Libraries, Student stuff, Techno Geekiness, Work Stuff

Minor Musings

As promised, here are more of those links I've collected.  Helpful tip: if you're saving things as Twitter bookmarks, you can access them on your laptop by changing from to Books, Reading, etc. Things to be aware of when you suggest students (or friends, colleagues, etc.) search Google Books for a phrase. DPLA's… Continue reading Minor Musings

Books, Collection Development, Links, Privacy, School Libraries, Student stuff, Techno Geekiness, Work Stuff

Minor Musings

A holiday gift of sorts from me to you: linky goodness from the past few months.  Enjoy! Books, Reading, etc. I so want to try this at work!  BPL now has personalized RA via email. Ever wonder what is required reading in another country? Wonder no more. They've got him, babe: The Sonny Bono Memorial… Continue reading Minor Musings