
Spammy Thoughts

Between this blog and the one I manage for Amawalk Monthly Meeting, I get to see some interesting spam messages.  Here's the header from one - it made me giggle: Author : Helena Bonham Carter (IP: , E-mail : URL    : As if HBC would use Phoebe Cates as her e-mail alias! A… Continue reading Spammy Thoughts

Conferences, Life Related, Metablogging, Professional organizations, Work Stuff

2011 Round-up, part two

This year was filled with highlights and a few lowlights - but why dwell on the latter? The most important thing for me this year was learning with, and from, my friends, peers and colleagues. Some are librarians, some administrators, others teachers or "civilians": my professional life has been made richer by knowing them. Note… Continue reading 2011 Round-up, part two