
What’s missing?

I've been following the controversy over Meghan Cox Gurdon's Wall Street Journal articles (for the best round-up/analysis, check out LizB), and something struck me about her first article, something that I didn't see picked up on elsewhere.  And while all the fuss and #YASaves activities have been great, @dmcordell's recent tweet about the closing of… Continue reading What’s missing?

Musings, Techno Geekiness, Work Stuff

One place too many? or, I don’t communicate that way

As I was preparing for my upcoming YALSA Webinar on teens, social media and information literacy (what, you haven't signed up yet?  I'll wait while you do so) I thought about the places teens will go to get information for research.  I even asked a few teens about their experiences, and the "usual suspects" popped… Continue reading One place too many? or, I don’t communicate that way