From the archives, Professional organizations

From the archives: What about ALA?

Increasingly, people are saying "ALA is broken". There are many reasons, but when I have friends tweeting things like this: Two years on, it's not much better. There was an interesting post Let's Fix ALA in 2020 that still resonates. Sad, no? Here are some of my observations and suggestions: More virtual opportunities to serve,… Continue reading From the archives: What about ALA?

From the archives, Musings, Professional organizations

From the archives: Movers, Shakers and Just Plain Folks

It's that time of the year, when people who are leaving the profession are feted and appreciated for what they've contributed to our lives. Some of these inspirations are only known within their school, or their city, some are known by a far wider audience. Soon, the nominations for the I Love My Librarian award… Continue reading From the archives: Movers, Shakers and Just Plain Folks